Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Great Canadian Birdathon Results

The Great Canadian Birdathon is a fundraiser to raise funds for Bird Conservation. Participants bird over a 24 hour period in May to try and see as many bird species as they can. This is my second birdathon, along with my brother, last year we got 95 species of birds and this year we exceeded it with 127 species! Thanks to Christian Artuso who helped us out.
We got lots of great photos, again thanks to Christian and his awesome camera..
127 species is the most birds we've ever seen in a day, and we saw some really awesome birds and 6 lifers. Thank you Christian.

If you would like to donate to my Birdathon go HERE. Thanks to everyone who has already donated!

Here is a sample photo:
Yellow-Headed Blackbird at Oak-Hammock Marsh


  1. Wow! Congratulations on the abundance of species, that's so great. What were the lifers?

  2. Thanks! It was awesome! Sorry, but you'll have to wait for the full post to find out what lifers we got :P
