Friday, November 27, 2015

Feathers on Friday

Here is my Feathers on Friday post, sorry for missing a few weeks.
The Great-horned Owl has been around quite a bit recently, as well as some Pine Grosbeaks! We haven't had pine Grosbeaks for years, so it's really nice to have them again.

Pine Grosbeak

Other FoF posts:
Bird Boy
Prairie Birder
The Cats and the Birds

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Weekly What Bird Wednesday

If you would like to join me for my W.W.B.W. leave a guess in the comments below or make your own weekly what bird post.

Can you guess what this bird is?
Leave your guess in the comments.
Prairie Birder guessed last week's correct, Common Redpoll.

Other What Bird Wednesday posts:

Bird Boy

Cats and the Birds

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Weekly What Bird Wednesday

If you would like to join me for my W.W.B.W. leave a guess in the comments below or make your own weekly what bird post.

Can you guess this weeks bird?

Leave your guess in the comments
Last weeks was a very difficult one, and no one guessed it... a Swainson's Hawk!
Here's a photo to show you where it was...

Other What Bird Wednesday posts:

Bird Boy

Cats and the Birds

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Weekly What Bird Wednesday

If you would like to join me for my W.W.B.W. leave a guess in the comments below or make your own weekly what bird post.

Can you guess this weeks?
Last weeks as Bird Boy and Prairie Birder guessed, was a Winter Wren

Other What Bird Wednesday posts:

Bird Boy

Cats and the Birds

Monday, November 9, 2015

Winter is Coming

It's been a very long fall, and a late winter. Winter birds have been showing up now. We have seen the Great-horned Owl, Evening Grosbeak, Common Redpoll, and even some Pine Grosbeaks. There have also been some Pine Siskins, which aren't strictly winter birds here. The past few years haven't been very good for finches, I haven't seen a Pine Grosbeak in a long time!
Another special bird we saw a few days ago was a Long-eared Owl! We had them nesting here in the summer, but this was most likely a different one, just a late migrant.

Here are a few photos of the redpolls.
Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Friday, November 6, 2015

Feathers on Friday

Here is my Feathers on Friday. A White-throated sparrow from a few weeks ago. It is snowing here now.
White-throated Sparrow
Other FoF posts:
Bird Boy
Prairie Birder
The Cats and the Birds

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weekly What Bird Wednesday

If you would like to join me for my W.W.B.W. leave a guess in the comments below or make your own weekly what bird post.

Here is a photo from this spring. Can you guess the bird in it?

Leave your guess in the comments
Last weeks was a Brown Thrasher
Other What Bird Wednesday posts:

Bird Boy

Last weeks bird was a Brown Thrasher.