William came in and told me "The owls are branching!" about an hour ago. We went out right away to get some pictures.
If you don't know, we have Long-eared Owls nesting in our back forest. I haven't done the second Birdathon post (I will get it out very soon) in which there are pictures of the baby owls in the nest. It has been almost exactly a week since then, and now the owls are out of the nest, and sitting on branches.
We found one of the young today, and the other(s) is probably around nearby.
We got some pretty decent pictures (the best we have of the young so far!)
Long-eared Owl fledgling |
Here is an uncropped photo of it. This photo is by Will.
Long-eared Owl fledgling |
This photo is by William!
Long-eared Owl fledgling |
The adult was nearby, Will took this one also!
Long-eared Owl adult |
Long-eared Owl fledgling |
We also saw some Cedar Waxwings, year birds!
In a day or two the next Birdathon post should be out, and you can see what the owls were like a week ago. That's all for now! Stay tuned.
Well done!