1. Get some store bought suet. This is what you'll use as a start.
2. Put the suet into a pot and turn stove on between low and medium.
Suet, peanut butter and lard |
4. Put the lard and peanut butter in the pot and put a timer on for a few minutes. Try and chop up the suet blocks with your spoons, it will make them melt faster.
Stirring all the ingredients. |
5.When the timer goes stir the mix and add the rest of the ingredients. A couple spoonfuls of peanut butter and lard, dump the bird seed into it and put whatever else you want to put in.
Now the mixture is like liquid. |
6. Wait until it turns to a very thin mixture. Turn the stove off and take the suet batch off the stove.
I tried some different containers, this one's a suet pie |
7. Find some containers to put it in.
8. Find room in the freezer to put them in. When they're frozen put it in the suet cage and watch the birds come.
I was being creative and making suet cupcakes |
I never go according to any strict recipe I always do it different, trying out new things. My measurements are never exact.
If you don't have a suet cage, that's fine. Freeze it into a block and put it out on the deck rail or something, the birds will like it just as much.
If the birds don't like the batch, melt it all down again and add some more stuff.
This is going to be a suet block when it's frozen |
I sprinkled the top the seeds |
Downy Woodpecker on suet |
Black-capped Chickadee taking a chunk from the suet cupcakes. |
Red-breasted Nuthatch and Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
Downy Woodpecker |
Other great bird blogs:
Prairie Birder
Ontario Birds and Herps
Bird Boy
Great post and thanks so much for joining FoF!