Saturday, July 19, 2014

Feathers on Friday

Here is my Feathers on Friday post, on Saturday

Cliff Swallows under the floodway bridge.

Here is Prairie Birder's post

And I have some exciting news!!! We're going to Churchill!!!!!!!! I'm really excited, we'll see loads of lifers, most likely, and Polar Bears!!! I've always loved bears, and I've never seen Polar Bears (except in the zoo). It happens to be you don't come upon Polar Bears down South like you do Black bears, that is probably the reason I've never seen one.


  1. Churchill? That is exciting. And a new definition of "Backyard Birding" :-) Is this a family trip - will you get to do much 'only birding'?

    As you say, you'll have the chance for lots of new species, even families - Eiders, Kittiwakes, Guillemots - and you probably need to polish up your Gull identification skills (I certainly would)!

    Do you have one or two species that you'd REALLY hope to see? We did on our Denver trip...and without taking BirdBoy's thunder, I'm thrilled with what we found. I hope you will be too.

    1. It is a family trip, almost everyone is going. We are going to be doing some other stuff, I think we're doing a whale tour (which I'm excited about, I love whales and dolphins), and I think we'll go to some museums. I'm not sure what else we're doing exactly, I'm hoping to see some polar bears (I love bears!!). Oh, and I think we're going to tour Fort Prince of Whales!
      I'm sure I'll see loads of new birds, and yes, I'll probably have to polish up my identification skills for some of those birds, maybe on the train, I'll have plenty of time then, I'll probably read my "How to be a Complete Birder" book too. :D I'm not sure exactly what I want to see, maybe when I'm skimming through the pages of my bird book I'll find something.
      I'm not too familiar with many sea, water or shore birds, so I'll have to study them a bit on the train I guess. I'd like to see a couple new shorebirds, plovers maybe, I haven't seen too many. My dad or mom can show me around a bit, they both worked in Churchill when they were a bit younger.

      And I'll be taking LOTS AND LOTS of pictures, of whales, birds and polar bears, so wait a couple weeks and I'll have a blog post, I'm sure... A long blog post, or several. :D

      Both Guillemots and Eiders look really cool, so I hope too see them :D. Anyway, I'm sure I'll see lots of cool and new birds, and mammals, and I'm super excited!!!!! I'm hoping to keep a journal of the trip too. :D

  2. How very exciting. Have a great trip, and take lots of pics. :)
